
麻绳 在线播放 - 第12集
导演 西瓦·栓玛类固
主演 诺帕努·甘塔柴 / 瓦鲁特·查瓦力朱吉翁 / 纳塔奇·司隶朋通 / 提迪瓦·立帕拉赛
类型 剧情 / 爱情 / 同性
地区 泰国
别名 Hemp Rope / Cheuuak bpaan / Between Us
评分 暂无
剧情介绍    A parallel story to Until We Meet Again (2019). Tells the story of how Win and Team get to know one another through the swim club, and eventually develop a relationship. They grow their relationship as Win helps Team deal with his childhood trauma, and Team helps Win feel wanted.查看更多
集数 更至12集